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Advanced nutrition for cycling
Advanced nutrition for cycling
Advanced nutrition for cycling is tailored for athletes, practitioners and coaches looking for the edge in competition, with experiences from the lab and also from the field. Asker Jeukendrup will delve into crucial topics, such as nutrition strategies for long cycling events, nutrition fuelling before and during cycling, and new advances in nutrition for cycling.
Sustainable sports nutrition
Sustainable sports nutrition
Live webinar on Wednesday 8th May, where we will discuss strategies to optimise athletic performance with consideration for environmental sustainability. Drs Thomas Nemeck, Nanci Guest, Nanna Meyer, and Alba Reguant will discuss important questions in sports nutrition - with Dr Peter Res as host - will help practitioners, athletes, and coaches make decisions about what they put on their plates, for their health, for their performance, but also for the environment.
In this webinar we will discuss the science of ultra-running. We will take an evidence based approach to nutrition in this sport that is growing rapidly. However, the science is limited in places and will turn to the practical considerations and applications by filling in the gaps. How do we translate the findings of various studies into a successful plan for race day? What are some of the considerations that are highly specific to ultra-running? When do we start to prepare? What are the best products and how are self supporting races different?
Drs Nick Tiller and Emily Russell will join us in this webinar to share their opinion as a scientists and practitioner but certainly also as experience ultra-runners. Dr Asker Jeukendrup will discuss some of the science and some of the gaps in our science.