Carnosine-related ergogenic supplements

In this lecture, Prof Wim Derave discusses carnosine and carnosine-related ergogenic supplements to support athletic performance.

You will learn about:
  Types of carnosine-related ergogenic supplements
  The claims surrounding why carnosine may benefit athletes
  The current evidence surrounding carnosine
  What advice we should be giving athletes around carnosine
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Prof Wim Derave

Number of lectures


Video time

30 mins

Key readings





Prof Wim Derave

Wim Derave is a full professor at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences at Ghent University (Belgium), a global top ranked sport science institute. He teaches and leads a dynamic research team in exercise physiology, sport nutrition and muscle metabolism. Wim has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed international scientific publications and book chapters. In addition, with his team he is actively involved in science communication to society and practitioners.
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