Lesson series

Dietary nitrate and exercise performance

In this course, Anni Vanhatalo will give an update on the latest with respect to dietary nitrates.

You will learn about:
  Developments in the field of dietary nitrate
  Physiological effects of dietary nitrate
  The effects of dietary nitrate on different types of performance (endurance, high intensity and power)
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Anni Vanhatalo

Number of lectures


Video time

50 mins

Key readings





Anni Vanhatalo

Anni gained a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Wales and then spent four years as a postdoctoral fellow in Exeter working with Professor Andy Jones, before taking up a lectureship in 2011. Anni was involved in the first studies on dietary nitrate and beetroot juice. She has since established herself as one of the leaders in nitric oxide biology, and understanding limitations to exercise performance. Anni is especially interested in the link with oxygen delivery and skeletal muscle bioenergetics, and has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles on these topics
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