Gender differences in sports nutrition
In this course, Gareth Wallis will discuss the differences in sports nutrition between genders.
You will learn about:
The current literature relating to sex-related differences
Sex-specific responses to nutritional interventions
Directions for future research into sex-related differences in sport nutrition
Sex-specific responses to nutritional interventions
Directions for future research into sex-related differences in sport nutrition
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Gareth Wallis
35 mins
Gareth Wallis
Associate Professor (Reader) in Exercise Metabolism and Nutrition Head of Research and Knowledge Transfer (School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences) Dr Wallis is an Exercise Scientist with major interests in Nutrition and Metabolism. He studies dietary influences on exercise metabolism, with a particular focus on macronutrients and their roles in performance, training adaptation and health. Gareth was a PhD student with Asker, before he became a very successful researcher at the University. When Asker left the University of Birmingham, Gareth moved into the office and was appointed as lecturer. He climbed through the ranks and is now what, in the UK is called a Reader. It is comparable to Associate Professor, but the title of reader is usually awarded for outstanding research contributions.
During his PhD Gareth spent some time tackling a really difficult question: should nutrition advice for female athletes be the same as male athletes. In his studies he studied female athletes and compared them with males and today this question will be the topic of his talk.
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